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Short Sunderland



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Blast From the Past

Sunderland at Tarawa 

P8 Schematic

Model Sunderland by Neil Wright 

Missing wingmans trust

P 3 Research Group


Air Force Association



Sunderland at Queenstown


Sunderland at Tarawa


P-3K2 Orion













P3K Orion Upgrade




sund mk 5.JPG (71613 bytes)


Blast From the Past


Weather forecasting stone


Fisheries Patrol

















































Submarine hunting The Airborne Surveillance and Response Force (ASRF) P8-A Detachment have completed four anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training exercises at Exercise RIMPAC (2024).

Aircraft located, tracked and reported on a coalition submarine which was acting as an enemy unit. They located the submarine through a combination of intelligence and deployment of active and passive sonobuoys that track movement. This information was passed on to surface vessels in the area to allow them and the P-8A to conduct simulated attacks on the target.

The ASRF P-8A detachment is about to begin the tactical phase of the exercise where they will integrate into a multi-national taskforce whose mission is to protect allied shipping from adversary submarines.

“These exercises have been an invaluable training opportunity for us, being able to integrate with international partners to complete realistic scenarios has been a highlight and the opportunity to have real submarines act as the enemy force is something we can’t do back home”. ~ Detachment Tactical Coordinator, Squadron Leader John Maiava

Jul 2024


11 JUNE, 2024

A Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) P-8A Poseidon flew 11 missions to detect and deter evasions of UNSC resolutions, during April and May.

This was the NZDF’s sixth deployment since 2018 of a maritime patrol aircraft and specialist personnel for this purpose, and the first overseas operational deployment for the P-8A Poseidon.

North Korea continues to launch ballistic missiles in violation of UNSC resolutions. The sanctions are intended to persuade North Korea to denuclearise and abandon its ballistic missile weapons capabilities.

NZDF patrols are conducted in support of the UNSC Resolution Enforcement Coordination Centre, which coordinates efforts by Pacific Security Maritime Exchange contributing nations - including New Zealand.

RNZAF No. 5 Squadron Commanding Officer, Wing Commander Mark Whiteside, was the detachment commander for the deployment.

He said although patrols were conducted over international waters, being in the vicinity of some of the busiest commercial shipping lanes in the world added complexity to the operations.

“Those seeking to evade the UNSC sanctions adopt various tactics to try and hide what they are doing,” Wing Commander Whiteside said.

“Our personnel worked well together, acting on information about vessels of interest, identifying potential sanctions evasions at sea, documenting and reporting these activities.

“Vessels were observed conducting ship-to-ship transfers, potentially of banned goods such as oil and coal - which are key enablers that allow North Korea to continue its weapons programme.”

After 11 missions and 88 flying hours, four ship-to-ship transfers and 30 vessels of interest were observed, while a further 33 vessels suspected of violating UNSC sanctions were reported.

The NZDF’s deployments, working alongside partners on enforcement operations, uphold the international rules based system and contribute to regional stability and security.

May 2024


We’re looking for more information on our fantastic 1/8th scale Lockheed P-3 Orion model. While we know a little bit about its origins, we are hoping some former RNZAF personnel can fill in a few blanks.

We believe the wooden model may have been built around 1965 in the carpenters’ workshop at Hobsonville in time for an open day and air display in January 1966.

It was in original colours back then, but repainted at a later date.

We are using the model as part of an upcoming exhibition and would love to know more. It is beautifully crafted and we’d like to acknowledge the team behind the work.

If anyone can shed some light, please contact communications@airforcemuseum.co.nz



P8 Flight Deck


An outing from the retirement home .Me second right reliving 5 Sqn days in Fiji. Cheers Murray Shearman


Air Force News Jun 23 issue 258

April 2023


Air Force News Issue 255 Mar 23



Good afternoon Association,

A merchandise stock take has now been completed and I can confirm there are no further Haere Ra patches or Retirement Port available. Chris Walker has done a phenomenal job of managing the merchandise sales so there are limited numbers of the following:

So, what's cooler than being cool? Chris thinks an Orion dropping a Mk-46 torpedo on an anti-submarine warfare mission stubby cooler is pretty cool.

Stubby Cooler: $15 (2 for $20)

Commemorate countless operations, hundreds of lives saved and 57 years of service with a high-quality A3 sized print.

 A3 Print: $10 (If shipped, $20)

An in-depth timeline on the history of the Orion and 5 Squadron. No doubt there will be some familiar faces and moments for many of you. (Published 2006)

 Kiwi Orions Book: $20

A commemorative coin which includes the brevets of those trades that made the Orion team.

Retirement Coin: $15

A commemorative brew aptly named 'Crew Lube".

Retirement Beer: $25 per six-pack

(100% of proceeds will be going directly to the retirement function for this aircraft)

To order: email p3retirement@nzdf.mil.nz with your merchandise requirements and contact details to arrange payment and delivery. The team manning the inbox will be in touch.

Pickup Base Whenuapai

Shipping is possible, but will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

To keep the prints safe, $5 is the best deal Chris found for a carry tube.

Thanks for the support,

Siale and team





        Three ship farewell formation 24 Jan 2023.                                                              Old and New

Early 90s

Commemorative RNZAF P-3 Watch.

We’ve had a couple of our co-pilots working in the background to pull together a commemorative RNZAF P-3 watch. In a true understated 5 SQN manner we haven’t gone super flashy with this watch, but we have gone with quality and style, something we’ve always done well. An image of the obverse is located online and we have built in some subtleties to the rotors for that extra touch of personality and class. Additionally, these watches don’t cost the same as a DICASS buoy as we wanted to make them accessible to all of our members.

All details of the watch and how to order are noted below. This has been set up such that we do not need to order batches and these will be made to order and posted direct to you.
 If you do make an order, please can you email FLTLT James Robertson-Bickers (James.Robertson-Bickers@nzdf. mil.nz) who is keeping a tally on all orders.
 I will note, right at the moment you wont be able to order the Swiss movement watch with the black date wheel as it will not allow you to ‘add-to-cart’, so if this is your watch of choice it should be available from mid-late Feb for order.
 Jump online to view the links and if you have further questions feel free to email FLTLT Robertson-Bickers direct and he will be able to answer or follow up for you.
 I look forward to seeing many of these watches at the Retirement function!
 Kia pai to ra
WGCDR Glen Donaldson
Commanding Officer No 5 Squadron - 5SQN, No 5 Squadron RNZAF
Te Tauaarangi o Aotearoa | Royal New Zealand Air Force


P-3 Commemorative Watch 

Place your orders now! email James Robertson-Bickers @ nzdf .mil.NZ




The Kiwi Orions book can be ordered from https://biblio.co.nz/book/kiwi-orions-history-lockheed-p-3b/d/1131542571

5 Squadron RNZAF Association Trophy Recipients

The award includes a printed copy of the citation and an inscribed plaque to be retained by the recipient. 


                  To register as a 5 Sqn Association member contact glen.moratti2@nzdf.mil.nz.